Haus Rottensteiner | family Unterhofer
Miglerweg 5, I-39054 Oberbozen Ritten


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Note: Fields marked with an asterix (*) are mandatory.

Booking informations

Room/app. 1

Room/app. 2

Room/app. 3

Room/app. 4

Room/app. 5

Room/app. 6

Comments questions

Your data


 Yes, I have read and accepted the data protection*



with view to the Dolomites

Haus Rottensteiner
Familie Unterhofer
Miglerweg 5
I-39054 Oberbozen Ritten

T. +39 0471 345 264
F. +39 0471 346 291
Contact form: Contact

SüdtirolSüdtirol Privat Südtirol, Ritten